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En réponse à :
    2 juin 2020, par Hershel Rickman

    How is North Korea still stable for a country full of starvations ?

    For many decades now the people have been suffering. ?

    A military dictatorship rules by terror, torture, a well fed cruel occupying army, secret police and spies everywhere. Keeps 1 in 10 people always locked in torture, slave, labor camps, and cuts the country totally off from the rest of the world. Staved terrorized people are weak, sick, scared and so not capable of... show more Russia and China helps them out a lot.

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  • En réponse à :
    mardi 2 juin 2020

    How is North Korea still stable for a country full of starvations ?

    For many decades now the people have been suffering. ?

    A military dictatorship rules by terror, torture, a well fed cruel occupying army, secret police and spies everywhere. Keeps 1 in 10 people always locked in torture, slave, labor camps, and cuts the country totally off from the rest of the world. Staved terrorized people are weak, sick, scared and so not capable of... show more Russia and China helps them out a lot.

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